As we continue our journey through Schrade’s rebrand, I have come upon one knife that that’s the perfect entrée for carrying a knife every day. That...
Because you can’t spell EDC without “Ed” … As we’ve covered in the past, fine firearms manufacturer Ed Brown has recently turned its expertise in producing...
As promised, we’re reviewing new knives from the big Schrade re-brand, and today I’m starting with my personal favorite: the drop-dead sexy Radok Pivot Lock Folder....
Everybody has heard of Schrade, right? Every grampa had a Schrade friction lock folder at some point. The first Schrade knife was patented in 1892 by...
You don’t have to be a First Responder to respond to an emergency. Ed Brown is an American company that produces some of the nicest 1911s...
A good knife is a good knife, no matter what’s on its passport. QSP Knives is a rising production knife company based out of Yang Jiang,...
Ed Brown has been known for years as having some of the nicest custom 1911s on the market. They have been changing things up a bunch...
Need a blade that’ll take a licking and keep on ticking? I feel like every time I saw my grandpa, he had his old Buck 110...
In my never-ending quest for the perfect EDC knife, I recently requested a Miguron Knives Velona drop-point blade. Regular readers know that I’m kind of tough...
How do defensive experts choose a knife when they’re paying retail for it? Life can be sweet for a guy who tests and evaluates EDC knives,...