Adding body armor to your EDC doesn’t mean adding 30 pounds of uncomfortable gear under your clothes … but it does add some peace of mind....
There once was a knife design that took the knife world by storm. The so-called perfect knife for EDC, the chosen one, the creation of the...
Most of us have likely been unfortunate enough to overhear a conversation at the gun counter that went something to the tune of “No, it has...
The head nurse spoke up, said, “Leave this one alone.” She could tell right away I was bad to the bone. Look at this everyday carry...
During this weird time in our country and world, there’s a knife company working to brighten the future. Founder Diane Carver found her inspiration in making...
Do you like to eat apple pie and hotdogs while admiring your badass, American-made hand candy as Fourth of July fireworks explode behind you? Of course...
Yeah, that’s my Randall blade. I accept your envy. There is a name that is murmured around the knife world. A company so popular and...
In my opinion, there is nothing more fascinating than human nature. I consider it the only thing on par with shooting and this is why I...
You’ve heard of Everyday Carry, but you’re not Everyday. You’re Extraordinary. Why be ordinary? Let other people have their mouse guns, their pocket rockets, their easily...