Why You Should Stop Snickering at Hi-Point

We’re also giving them props for the hilarious name.
Don’t laugh, it’s paid for!
There is an old saying that that any gun is better than no gun at all. Times are tough. Things are getting more expensive day by day. For many families the choice can come down to buying a couple of eggs to eat or trying to fit protection into the budget. The good news is options are available to allow you to protect yourself and your loved ones should the need arise. When it comes to handguns, most gun snobs will immediately turn their noses up at the mention of Hi-Point firearms. Snickering will ensue and the insults will fly. That’s why we call them “snobs,” and here’s why you can ignore them.
As someone who has worked in the firearms industry for over 20 years, I have been asked for firearms advice from every kind of shooter you can imagine. From Mr. Rolex all the way down to Mr. Timex. When it comes to sales, a good sales person will always listen to his potential customer and never insult their choices or needs. A customer is a customer and every law-abiding one deserves the right to be able to defend himself and his family. Just like watches that come in every imaginable price range, the same is true with firearms.
There are customers where price point is the only thing that matters. When that is the case, I respectfully recommend Hi-Point. Again, that may not be your first choice, but I like to focus on the positives and inform the customer what Hi-Point can and cannot do. Naturally, the biggest positive I can give Hi-Point firearms is their price point. You can get a brand new Hi-Point from around $100.00 to around $200.00!
Now while we get Mr. Timex set up with something they can work with, the dirty little secret is this: I have sold Mr. Rolex quite a few Hi-Points, too. The Hi-Point price point makes it a clear winner for someone who needs multiple firearms. Even Mr. Rolex finds it hard to justify a super expensive piece for a higher risk environment like a garage or boat/tackle box gun.
So besides price, what other positives does Hi-Point offer? Did you know that Hi-Point offers a lifetime warranty? Yes LIFETIME warranty! According to their website, “Every Hi-Point firearm purchased in the United States is covered by an industry leading 100% lifetime warranty.”
I have personally tested this even with used pistols that looked like they fell off a truck and were dragged down the road. Hi-Point came through and took care of the customer, no questions asked. Now that’s service. The cost is cheaper than new, and if anything is wrong with it, Hi-Point will stand behind their USA made product.
As for cons, I won’t lie because there are a couple. That said, they can be easily overcome. Usually one of the first complaints is that the Hi-Point pistols are big and ugly. Look if you’re reading this and you’ve never won a beauty contest, does that make you big and ugly? Surely someone out there can stand to look at you. Same with Hi-Point pistols.
The price makes them attractive along with their personality. The same thing that makes Hi-Point pistols seem big and heavy is what can make them reliable. They use a blowback system, where the weight of the slide helps keep the slide shut as the gun shoots. The next complaint after weight is the recoil. Recoil management is a matter of just shooting your pistol and building that muscle memory.
The next biggest con Hi-Point pistols have is that they are Jam-O-Matics. I know for a fact that most of these issues are traceable to the user … lack of maintenance is the biggest cause. (Yes, these are the same people that never change the oil in their car either.) Firearms are machines that require some semblance of maintenance. A little cleaning and oil go along way!
I have heard from customers that they do not want to do any maintenance but want their pistol to work. Okay, there are modern solutions that I can recommend. Instead of trying to use hollowpoint ammo, try using the new Tumble Upon Impact ammo. You get the reliability of round-nose ammo without the over penetration issues. TUI bullets are special self-defense round-nose ammo that tumbles when it hits the target, therefore staying in the target.
Hi-Point has options for just about everyone. The pistols come in five different calibers including:
- 380 ACP
- 9 MM
- 40 S&W
- 10 MM
- 45 ACP
Each of the calibers are also available as different options including camouflaged versions or the Home Security Pack. The HSP comes with a steel locking safe box, allowing safe storage of your pistol. While Hi-Point made their name in the pistol market, they also manufacture highly regarded pistol carbines, including a California compliant version.
While most readers still will not run out and buy a Hi-Point, I truly hope you give them a shot … literally. For those of you that have that budget or may be just starting out and need something to get you going, know this: If you treat a Hi-Point right, it will treat you right. Your hard-earned money gets you a quality US-made firearm that is backed by one of the best warranties in the industry. All that peace of mind for a price that blows the competition out of the water–heck you can buy a Hi-Point pistol and carbine rifle for less than the price of the other brands’ budget guns. Check them out here!
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