Terrain Flex Jeans
From firearms to fashion, Popular EDC gets their hands into a little bit of everything. Most of us spend a disproportionate amount of time on belts and holsters when compared to the other part of the days concealment…clothing. Up until recently, “carry” clothing didn’t blend in with conventional styling. You basically had two choices, “tactical tool-bag” or “out-of-season fisherman”. While the majority of the shooting community is familiar with LA Police Gear (LAPG) for deep discounts on our favorite brands of holsters, belts, knives, and other carry gear, few know about their very own house brand. Among the newest offerings are their Terrain Flex Jeans and we got a few pairs to put through their paces.
The Terrain Flex Jeans boast a flexible waistband to help comfortably accommodate your gun and holster should you be carrying IWB that day. These also make a great fit for the CCW holder who frequently changes guns and/or holsters. Aside from being great buffet pants, the Terrain Jeans have hidden back pockets that are large enough for a micro pistol in a good snug pocket holster. We also found these pockets held 30-round AR Magazines quite well when at the range or just for stayin’ woke in case the boogaloo pops off. The front watch pockets are slightly enlarged to hold double-stack pistol magazines, smartphones, or even thinner items like a married man’s wallet. The ninth pocket took us a bit to find, as it is inside the rear belt loop and is intended for hiding a handcuff key. This is great in case that 4 am bar hookup is into some kinky shit, but you aren’t.
The new jeans come in two styles, a slim fit and a straight fit. These days when you see “slim fit” you automatically think of man buns, vegan diets, and a 17 syllable coffee order. LAPG knows their demographic and cuts these to fit more like the jeans that were popular when you didn’t have to apologize for being a man. The straight-fit jeans were exactly what you would expect and weren’t so baggy that the cops would mistake you for the perpetrator. While the fit was easy to notice, what wasn’t were the tiny hidden messages such as “Pew Pew” inside of the fly and “Heroes Welcome” on the insides of all pockets. Our testers found that both the slim fit and the straight fit were loose enough to put the essentials in the hip pockets and both were wide enough to go around our 8” LAPG Waterproof Duty Boots. We also found that nearly any EDC belt fits through the generous two-inch belt loops, which is a common complaint with normal jeans. Our testers also liked that they accomplished the flex with just a tiny amount of spandex material (2% to be precise), making them fit more like jeans and less like tactical yoga pants.
LA Police Gear offers their pants in waist size as small as 28 and as large as 44, accommodating nearly every man no matter how many (or few) tacos they like to eat on Tuesdays. Inseam sizes range from 30-36 covering just about everyone as well. All sizes are available in a very dark wash that looks great when going after that semi-professional look or a medium wash that is just right for kickin’ it with the boys and trying to figure out what is really going down in all of those FEMA camps that are poppin’ up lately. Between the four possible configurations, you can mix it up and cover most of the workweek without getting the same pair of jeans too funky. Visit lapolicegear.com to claim your pair as they are the sole retailer of their very own cozy, comfortable, concealment jeans.
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