Hidden in Plain Sight: The Headrest Safe
How about this for an ironic twist: “CNN reporter reveals her crew was robbed in San Francisco while covering city’s rampant crime.”
It seems like criminals have been emboldened by today’s progressive politics. Even with hired security guarding the vehicle—parked in front of city hall, no less—criminals took only 4 seconds to conduct a smash and grab. Just as you and I study and train for our vocations, criminals do the exact same thing. Many career criminals treat it like a career, and their crimes are executed like well-practiced military operations.
So where does that leave normal people who do not have security at all times? Well, we start with common sense: parking in well-lit and secured areas, as close to security or cameras as possible; making sure we don’t leave bags or purses in plain sight. Here’s another thought: How many cars do you see in your daily life with things like NRA or firearm brand stickers? These are basically advertising that you are a gun owner. When you’re with your vehicle, sure, they can serve as deterrents. But when you’re not with your car, those stickers are ads that say, “free guns inside.”
But obviously, as that CNN reporter proved, common sense just isn’t enough. Back in January I met the owner of a really cool safe company with an idea that was out of the box. Their tag line is “keep your valuables in plain sight.” The Headrest Safe Co does exactly that. And it’s discreet—more than you can imagine. When I first examined at the demo seat with a factory headrest, I immediately asked to see one of the actual safes. To my amazement, he pointed to the seat I was looking at. Within seconds he flipped the side of the headrest down and revealed the key pad, opened the safe, and retrieved a demo pistol.
What blew my mind about the demo, was the lack of fanfare. The factory looking headrest looked exactly like a leather factory headrest. Even touching the front it was squishy like the real deal. In my mind I knew for sure that I would be able to distinguish a safe headrest, especially at the door opening. I can tell you that the door for the headrest safe looks like the stitching lines where the panels of the headrest would be sewn together. Even after knowing that the headrest was a safe after closing the side panel the fit and finish was so good, the panel door disappeared.
So now the next obvious question is what if someone found the cover panel and flipped it down to reveal the actual safe? The way the headrest is made, the safe cannot just be pulled out of the headrest. What’s more, just pulling the headrest out of the seat and taking the whole damn thing with you is a no-go. I was invited to try it, and I went to town on it like the UnPewfessional I am. That was a big “no.” That’s because the mechanism HRSC uses to secure the headrest to the main seat features a one-way spring clip that expands as you attempt to pull it out—think of an anchor bolt in drywall. It will go in, but one the wings open they are hard to remove.
HRSC took great pains to make sure the headrest looks just like a factory headrest. This includes the leatherette used in the construction. To the naked eye, it looks just like the rest of the factory seat. It really is amazing at how well the safe just blends into the rest of the vehicle.
I was told the owner took his Jeep Gladiator into be serviced during the R&D of the headrest. He challenged the the Jeep techs to find the safe. These are people who work with these vehicles on a daily basis. The headrest safe was hidden in plain sight and not discovered, until he showed them.
The headrest safes are available in single units with just a safe headrest. They are also available as a set—one headrest being a safe and the other just a headrest—so they’ll match. If you are inclined you can actually buy two headrest safes since HRSC has options for both the Passenger and Driver. So as a driver you would reach over to the passenger headrest to flip the concealment panel and access the safe. Then in the driver side you have an extra safe that is slightly slower to access as the driver since it is directly behind you.
There’s really no such thing as an uncrackable safe. That’s why the real goal with any safe is to slow down the bad guys enough that someone notices or it becomes too much of a risk of getting caught. The benefit of a headrest safe is that even if your car gets broken into, the headrest just isn’t a target. Experienced criminals will immediately go to the bread and butter hiding spots, such as under the driver seat, center console, and trunk.
Thousands of cars get broken into every single day and I read countless stories of guns being stolen from those vehicles. Those firearms go onto a life of crime. Do the world a favor and secure them. Don’t be one of those people that sheepishly wonders why the Glock sticker is now the only thing holding your windshield together. These are shipping now and if you are or have been a Government worker or first responder or teacher you can actually use your GovX discount. Check out the Headrest Safes at
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