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EDC Tips

Trigger Time TV with Kahr Arms: Defense BEFORE the Draw



In the wake of a defensive shooting, the armed citizens’ stories always begin: “It all happened so fast…”

Kahr Arms Group wants you to have the best firearm possible should you ever need to use it. But the famed company responsible for Thompson “tommy guns,” the world-famous Magnum Research line, and some of America’s favorite concealed-carry pistols under the Kahr imprint wants you to have the best training possible gleaned from real-world scenarios. That’s why they’ve begun a series called “Trigger Time TV.”

Retired Green Beret Tim Burke’s service to America didn’t end when he exited the armed forces. Since then, he’s served as a bodyguard to some of the world’s biggest celebrities, and works to instruct armed citizens on how to handle defensive situations. That’s unique, because many (if not most) firearm instructors have never had to unholster their guns in an actual armed-citizen incident. Burke has.

But in all of his years of defending first the country and then some of its wealthiest citizens, Burke has learned that drawing that firearm is the very last step in the gravest of extremes. Although defensive situations can and do develop very quickly, there’s usually an escalation that takes place first, and in the time frame before you need to draw your gun, you may find ways to de-escalate and/or escape. Of all the tools you have in your EDC rig, good judgement and real-world practice are both the most important, and the easiest to fit in your holster.


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