The Chicago Typewriter’s deathless prose continues to entrance … During America’s Prohibition period, the Thompson submachine gun, famously known as the Tommy Gun, played a significant...
A flashlight is such an important tool that, just like your firearm, needs to be on your everyday carry loadout the same as your gun, regardless...
Most of us own at least some truly irreplaceable treasures. How about you? Your original birth certificate, diplomas, and guns can be replaced. But what about...
Lead is a big Pb and NOPE sandwich for shooters. Lead is one heavy metal. I don’t just mean that it’s high-density–although it is quite heavy...
It’s fun to joke about how Dillinger died of “lead poisoning,” but lead exposure is no joke. Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the...
Want to own the last 1911 issued to the U.S. military? Prefer not to pay $10K? Well, do I have an Honest Review for you …...
How often have you read breathless news headlines about some gun owner or another who died and left behind an “arsenal” of guns and ammunition? Do...
SIG Sauer just released a product that most of American shooters never asked for and frankly don’t want. The reception online in general has been harsh...
Double action/single action all-metal pistols are no longer in vogue. Once the Beretta M9 pistol lost the U.S. military contract to a polymer single-action striker-fired pistol,...
Ever since the FBI Hostage Rescue Team began deploying Springfield Armory Professional 1911 pistols in 1998, the gun gained a mythic status among users. Thanks to...