If you’ve ever fired a North American Arms revolver then you probably came to the same conclusions as me, those little suckers can shoot! In previous...
Getting a trigger job done on a 1911 has always been an arduous task. In the past, you only had two options at your disposal....
Knives are to men what purses are to ladies. We have dozens of them, they are all nearly functionally identical, yet we keep buying more of...
A defensive shooting situation is anything but predictable. The location, the time, or even the specific threat is going to present itself at complete random. In...
Night sights are almost exclusively associated with handguns. Sure, you’ll likely have a pistol within grasp before you have an opportunity to get to your “truck...
There are three things that you need to win a gunfight: capacity, capacity, and capacity. Ok, that’s not true, but it’s pretty hard to stop a...