In the wake of a defensive shooting, the armed citizens’ stories always begin: “It all happened so fast…” Kahr Arms Group wants you to have the...
Weapon-mounted flashlights are great, but they don’t fit in most holsters … Ask any defensive expert and they’ll tell you: Keep it simple. If you’re ever...
EAA challenges you to take this li’l brat to the range for a thorough spanking … EAA has done it again! They’re shaking up the concealed-carry...
Taurus says: If you can’t lug a .45, why not “tuc” a .22? We’re going to go ahead and get the caveats out of the way...
Ahh a question as old as time and no doubt one of the most commonly questions asked by gun owners there is. What is the best...
A city’s civic center, a high-school football game, and one bad actor in the crowd. A shot rang out in the middle of a crowd of...
Does appendix carry make you feel like you’re violating Rule 1 in the worst way? Ah yes, Rule 1 of Gun Safety: Never allow your gun’s...
Carrying in the pocket has become a very popular practice among armed Americans. Pocket carry allows for quick and easy access to a small handgun while...
I confess to one of those people who is perpetually late to any given event. But that’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes by showing up...
When comfort counts, the patented N8 Tactical The Professional – G2 Inside the Waistband (IWB) Holster is your go-to. Why? The secret is its backer, which...