Should we be public about our gun ownership or should we keep it to ourselves? As with all topics of this nature I like to stay...
Ah the laser sight, iconized by Hollywood and pop culture alike as the say-all, end-all of shot placement. “Just put the dot where you want the...
When the holsters arrived I gave them a once over and a quick test fit....
“Short, fat and slow does the job.” This is the battle cry of every...
“Damn I wish I had a (insert obscure tool) with me…” Most of us have...
“If you want to keep it, you have to give it away.” Interesting paradox, right? The preceding adage can refer to many aspects of life but...
Just a few weeks ago I informed a student that he was going to have to supply his own shatterproof eye protection, as we were suspending...
Carrying an extra magazine doesn’t make you paranoid, it makes you prepared. While we do everything to ensure our firearm is at the ready there are...
Welp, they say the first step towards improvement is admitting that you have a problem….so here we go. When I first became a gun owner I...
From time to time every gun owner finds themselves in a situation where they are being prodded by somebody in complete awe that they are ACTUALLY...