Eoin May Reviews: SOG Tellus Knife
One of the best things about testing outdoor gear is that I often get sneak peeks at EDC knives before they’re released to the public. The not-yet-released Tellus FLK knife from SOG Knives is one such. It caught my eye because of the bright and weird combination of colors available, but it held my gaze with its very beefy blade. Now this isn’t a knife that you send her a picture of right off the bat–you should let her fall in love with its personality first–but despite the size of the wave, the motion of the ocean on this blade can’t be beat.
The Tellus isn’t big in length, but it does pick up the slack in the girth department. The blade measures in at a little over an inch in width and a little over 3.5 inches in length. The steel is CRYO 440 with a stonewash finish, which is a stainless steel that has a good mixture of corrosion resistance and hardness. The blade will stay sharp for quite a while but if it ever gets dull it is very easy to sharpen. In the couple weeks I have been carrying it I have came to a couple of conclusions that I like about the knife. Even though the handle is GRN, which is a kind of plastic, it doesn’t have that low-quality feel that some knives that use GRN do. The flipper action for the knife is very smooth and quick, and the weight is almost perfect for me. The knife has some weight to it and when opened you can feel the force the big blade comes out with. The weight of the knife gives a unique feel of balance but also power like a chopper. With all of these good qualities it makes for a pretty reliable knife for EDC.
There are a couple things I don’t like personally about this knife. I am not a frame lock person (I despise them). I don’t like the feel or the fact that if you are gripping the knife too hard, it presses down on the lock, making it almost impossible to deploy the knife. I’m also not a fan of the placement of the deep carry pocket clip. The reason for a deep carry pocket clip is so it clips deep in your pocket keeping it from snagging on things while you are going about your day, but SOG placed it too close to the center of the handle. This causes the knife to be arranged in a way that’s just like a regular pocket clip even though it looks just like a deep carry pocket clip. I also wish that the thumb stud wasn’t shaped in such an aggressive angle; I found that it hurts the tip of your finger to open it. This is a minor quibble because there is a flipper tab on the back; you won’t have to use the thumb stud.
This knife is a great EDC blade for the money, and the fact that it fell short of some of my personal preferences doesn’t mean that it won’t become your next everyday carry. Only retailing at a little under $50, this knife is definitely worth every penny. The knife is high quality especially for what you’re paying for it. The blade will stay sharp, clean, and ready to go no matter what job or challenges you put it through. I like this knife and I know some of you will too. Go check out and go take a look at the TELLUS FLK and tell me what you think in the comments. If you like this article you will definitely like my other content. Go check me out on Instagram and YouTube @atoz_reviews, and if you like what you see give me a follow. And always remember to stay AtoZ.
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