The original KelTec Sub2000 is the granddaddy of folding backup rifles. Sure, there were others, but the Sub2000 was the alpha wolf of the pack, and...
Is bigger better? Why do you even have to ask? The answer is “yes,” and if you don’t believe me, check out Taurus’ new TH10! Here’s...
A couple months after the release of the Smith & Wesson FPC, and surprise! We have Smith & Wesson’s newest rifle release, the Response. Yes, another...
Did you know that Keltec makes two different versions of the P15 pistol? One is a polymer version called the P15, followed up by the P15...
Everybody Wants a .22 LR These Days … … but not every manufacturer wants to do the work to make one great. So many companies take...
“If you want a pistol that works every time, get a revolver…they just work!” That statement is as loaded as my moon clip. Yes, revolvers are...
Looking for a self-defense gun that won’t make you stand out like a nearly-naked girl on the beach? The mouse gun, the pocket protector, the backup...
If you were King of the World, what new firearm models would you want to have? Which discontinued firearms would you demand be brought back to...
Is the Ruger 10/22 only considered a good rifle because it is popular, or is it only considered popular because it’s a good rifle? The answer...
Early in the year I got hints that Springfield Armory was going to have a great year with a ton of new products. Those hints were...