Chimeras are mythical, but the KYMERA just might be legendary. The “chimera” is a mythical Greek beast composed of bits and bobs of other animals–lion’s head,...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year … The rest of you can keep your Thanksgivings, your Christmases and Hanukkahs. For me, January is the...
EAA challenges you to take this li’l brat to the range for a thorough spanking … EAA has done it again! They’re shaking up the concealed-carry...
Taurus says: If you can’t lug a .45, why not “tuc” a .22? We’re going to go ahead and get the caveats out of the way...
They called the 5.7 a “meme gun,” and I memed along. Behold, I have now become the meme. KelTec recently announced a new arrival that sent...
The Vector from fun range toy to defensive dynamo is clear … One of the most unique firearms in my collection has to be my Kriss...
Bond Arms is known for making tiny pocket derringers in all sorts of calibers, from .22 LR all the way up to .50 AE! My personal...