Hail to the King, Baby. Kimber’s CDS9, a micro-compact double-stack 9mm with a 15+1 capacity, is set to revolutionize pocket carry. From hammer to muzzle, the...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year … The rest of you can keep your Thanksgivings, your Christmases and Hanukkahs. For me, January is the...
Think you can’t put a silencer on your gun? Oh yes you CAN! Introducing the Lazarus 6, a state-of-the-art silencer designed to withstand the most demanding...
Weapon-mounted flashlights are great, but they don’t fit in most holsters … Ask any defensive expert and they’ll tell you: Keep it simple. If you’re ever...
Yes it is, and if you’ve ever had your wallet stolen, you’re about to find out why. When we’re putting our everyday carry (EDC) rigs together,...
Is your family ready for an emergency evacuation? If there’s anything the last few months have taught us, it’s that we Americans need to do a...
Digital watches are more focused on function than their styles and designs. One reason for this is that people who prefer digital watches over analog ones...
Zelos started manufacturing bronze timepieces in 2014 and since then it has established itself as one of the most popular microbrands for its elegant timepieces. Bronze...
Today almost everyone is involved in different forms of sports. Whether it is playing soccer or baseball on the weekends or hiking, people have realized the...