Just a few weeks ago I informed a student that he was going to have to supply his own shatterproof eye protection, as we were suspending...
Carrying an extra magazine doesn’t make you paranoid, it makes you prepared. While we do everything to ensure our firearm is at the ready there are...
Welp, they say the first step towards improvement is admitting that you have a problem….so here we go. When I first became a gun owner I...
From time to time every gun owner finds themselves in a situation where they are being prodded by somebody in complete awe that they are ACTUALLY...
From firearms to fashion, Popular EDC gets their hands into a little bit of everything. Most of us spend a disproportionate amount of time on belts...
It is a good practice to change out your defensive ammunition every four to six months. Most gun owners will hem and haw over that advice,...
When Flugaloo fear was on the rise everyday civilians found themselves scraping together whatever cash wasn’t already invested in toilet paper to buy a firearm. When...
We typically associate the Swiss with some pretty peaceful stuff. Maybe a warm cup of cocoa or perhaps a cute little pocketknife for a kid’s first...
Most of us don’t think twice about strapping a gun on every morning, but many of us are guilty of leaving the knife that was next...
Yes it is, and if you’ve ever had your wallet stolen, you’re about to find out why. When we’re putting our everyday carry (EDC) rigs together,...